Monday, October 25, 2010

Exchange 2010: Troubleshooting the Exchange services

These are some resolutions that may assist when you are unable to start the Exchange services.

1. Check the event log. If you are receiving a number of DSAccess warnings then you can bet that it is related to Active Directory. Check for event 2080 to see which domain controllers are listed. Ensure they can all be pinged. Check in the DSAccess warnings to see which domain controllers it is trying to access. Try pinging these domain controllers to ensure they are online and accessible.

2. If it is trying to access DCs that are not online then you may have enabled staticdomaincontroller settings on the Exchagne server that is failing. You can see the settings by running Get-ExchangeServer | Format-List.
Unfortunately even if something is set as a static domain controller, it doesnt show up. Try resetting them all to $NULL even if they already appear to be so. You can also try statically exluding the domain controllers that are non-existent.

3. Check that IPv6 is either enabled, or properly disabled via the registry. Microsoft has articles on how to do this.

4. Check that the Exchange server is member of the correct groups in Active Directory.

5. Run BPA scans on the affected server to check for configuration issues.

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